Monday, March 25, 2013

The Cost Efficiency Of Being Barber Free

The Cost Efficiency of Learning How to Cut Your Own Hair Men Unless you are financially well off and your expenses are covered by a very small percent of your total monthly income, any activity that involves spending money is analyzed very carefully. Grocery shopping becomes less about buying the healthy foods and properly nourishing your body and more about quantity for the least amount of dollars possible. This is more so the case for a greater majority of the population due to the seemingly everlasting effects of the recent recession. Therefore the average person has become very familiar with the word frugal these past few years and why should we not save money every opportunity we get. There are certain things that we are easily capable of learning to do, for example learning how to cut your own hair men; given the right resources and basic hair cutting information. As the barber from how to cut your own hair men, I feel as if people aren’t really grasping the benefits from cutting your own hair. The motivational factor for wanting to learn to cut your own hair men should be the money you will save by doing so. Hair stylists in bigger cities are professionals and wealthy clients swarm to them with money. There is something convenient about sitting down in a barber’s chair and relaxing while someone else makes you look good, however not all hair stylists are created equal. The ones that are cutting the hair of the wealthiest men have been professionally trained at the best institutes by masters of the craft. There is a huge difference in quality between your regular Best Cuts and a barbershop in Manhattan. The quality you are paying for at your everyday barbershop chain such as Best Cuts or Great Clips truly is overall on the lower end of the scale. The money you pay however is not as low. Just as easily as you throw your money away to one of these places you can invest in a few tools (insert link here) that will more than pay off in the long run, because ultimately only you know how you like and want you hair to look. With time and practice you will learn how to cut your own hair men, and eventually you may even end up being the barber for you kids as well ultimately saving you a significant amount of money as well. Now that we have the why you should learn how to cut your own hair men question of out the way, let us begin by analyzing the numbers, the one thing that does not lie. Let us start by looking at the average price of a haircut in the United States. • According to the Professional Beauty Association, the average price of a haircut is $45. That’s right $45 dollars is the average cost of a hair cut in the States, a little higher than expected, no? Slowly it is the benefit of learning how to cut your own hair men is becoming very self-evident. How about Manhattan? What’s a high quality hair cut worth? Frederique’s haircuts at Prive in New York City’s Soho Grand Hotel are moderately priced–at least by upscale Manhattan standards–at $125! That’s right $125 which to a lot of people is a monthly car payment! While we are in Manhattan let us stop by Orlando Pita’s place and let him perform his magic on our head, we might as well, right? If you can even get an appointment with Orlando Pita, owner of Orlo, in New York City, you will be expected to cough up $800. Getting your own pair of clippers would be a far better investment. If my buddy Jason can cut his own hair, then so can you! However these are mainly places for celebrities and the wealthy, let us get back to the lower end of the scale, the $45 average hair cut price and how that plays into learning how to cut your own hair men. There comes a point where we have to decide which is more important, our hair or our wallet. A reasonable priced hair trimmer will save you that 45$ you spend at the barber for a line up , why not just learn to do it at home. But what if that wasn’t the case, what is we didn’t have to conform and instead created a win-win situation out of it all. Now finally we are going to break down the numbers and how much learning how to cut your own hair men will save you in the short term and the long run. The table below is based on three males who receive a haircut every four weeks at a price of $15, $25, and $30 respectively, perfectly reasonable and on the very low end of the spectrum if we are to look at the statistics which conclude the average price of $45. • At the average price of $45 for 12 months a person pays $540! The table above puts things in perspective a little better than words do. This is money you could save by learning how to cut your own hair men, so why wait, why throw it away on low quality hair-cuts, because let’s face it a solon/barber shop is after all a business, quantity is usually preferred over quality. So put back that 540$ and invest into a nice pair of shears and cut that bushy head of hair yourself. An all-inclusive trip to Cancun is around $800; with either one of the scenarios in the table above you could save a significant amount of this vacation money by simply learning how to cut your own hair men. Hopefully how to cut your own hair men has given you enough information to start your journey of being barber free. Get over the initial fear of screwing up and gather the courage to finally learn how to cut your own hair men! Go out and get a nice pair of clippers, shears, and a trimmer, or maybe you already have all of these laying around just waiting for that one day when you are feeling a little adventurous. I hope that by reviewing the cost efficiency of learning how to cut your own hair men will begin to follow heed and find the stylist within, and use the money saved as a reward for the time they put in to learn, or towards other more beneficial purposes, such as buying healthier food.